Wednesday, February 20, 2013

SAP Finals (Activity 1)
Finals Activity #1
Instructions: You use the template below to document your output in conducting the AIP (Accelerated Implementation Program) of SAP Business One.  Be sure you have read the slides I uploaded to ELMS before conducting this. I want you to accomplish this activity in handwritten using blank ink pen; written in a LONG sized bond paper. This will also serve as your Midterm Project.

I.                    Title Page
II.                  Business Description: (10 pts)
                 In this portion you describe what is the nature of your business. How many branches do you have. Illustrate an example layout of your business architecture... Description should not be less than 100 words.
III.                User distribution :  (15 pts)

Consider that you have a minimum of 30 employees (you can use more than 30 users) in your business. Distribute how many employees are working in a certain department. Specify how many departments do you have.
Sales Department
        ----- description here about what is the role or function of this department......
--- there are 5 users in this department...
IV.                Conduct of the AIP
a.       PHASE I
                                                               i.      Explain what have you done as an SAP implementor or your future plans  in this phase (no less than 100 words) 5pts
                                                             ii.      Draft a sample Service Level Agreement  (search the net for an example.. at least 10 conditions.. must have to be connected to your business description) 10 pts
b.      PHASE II
                                                               i.      Explain what have you done as an SAP implementor or your future plans  in this phase (no less than 100 words) 5pts
                                                             ii.      Draft a sample Project Plan  (search the net for an example.. must have to be connected to your business description.. no less than 150 words)10 pts
c.       PHASE III
                                                               i.      Explain what have you done as an SAP implementor or your future plans  in this phase (no less than 100 words) 5 pts
                                                             ii.      Draft a sample END USER Training Plan  (search the net for an example.. must have to be connected to your business description.. no less than 150 words) 10pts
d.      PHASE IV
                                                               i.      Explain what have you done as an SAP implementor or your future plans  in this phase (no less than 100 words) 5 pts

e.      PHASE V
                                                               i.      Explain what have you done as an SAP implementor or your future plans  in this phase (no less than 100 words) 5 pts
Deadline: February 22, 2012. 3PM. Submit to Maam Precy (ITE Secretary)
For Questions or Clarifications send an email to: